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Titre du blog : Balkanikum
Auteur : Balkanikum
Date de création : 14-08-2008
posté le 10-10-2013 à 11:41:00


La Ligue anticorruption des Balkans

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La Ligue anticorruption des Balkans reprend l'idée de la lutte contre la corruption telle que conçue par Verica Barać, par de nombreux lanceurs d'alertes et d'autres acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre la corruption qui sévit dans les Balkans




La Ligue anticorruption des Balkans est le résultat d'un large mouvement anticorruption provenant d'activistes et d'organisations dans la région, principalement Occupy Croatia, le Mouvement 99% Serbie, divers activistes de l'Alliance pour la défense des biens communs en Serbie, plusieurs hacktivistes du groupe Anonymous Serbie ainsi que du Mouvement Choc et résistance au régime dictatorial - désobéissance civile du Monténégro. A cela s'ajoutent nombres d'associations et d'initiatives qui combattent la corruption, telles que Le Syndicat indépendants des douaniers de Croatie, l'Association pour la lutte contre la corruption, la criminalité et les discriminations au sein des établissements et institutions publiques de Bosnie-Herzégovine, dont la présidente, la lanceur d'alertes Irina Lovric, s'est jointe aux activités de la Ligue anticorruption, l'Association Kulin Ban des travailleurs lésés des petits actionnaires en Croatie. La Ligue anticorruption a également recruté des personnalités qui luttent de longue date contre la corruption : Le journaliste Denis Latin, le journaliste d'investigation Domagoj Margetic et l'expert juridique Sulejman Tabakovic. Le rockeur et activiste, leader du groupe Atomsko skloniste, Bruno Langer, a lui aussi apporté son soutien à la Ligue anticorruption. 




Balkanska antikorupcijska liga nastala je kao široka antikorupcijska fronta aktivista iz više aktivističkih pokreta u regiji, prije svega Pokreta Occupy Croatia i Pokreta 99% Srbije, te aktivista iz Alijanse za obranu javnog dobra u Srbiji, haktivistička skupina Anonymous Srbija, kao i Pokreta Udar i Otpor Diktatorskom režimu - građanska neposlušnost iz Crne Gore, te uz podršku brojnih antikorupcijskih udruženja i inicijativa, kao što su Nezavisni sindikat carinika Hrvatske, Udruženja za borbu protiv korupcije, kriminala i diskriminacije u institucijama i javnim ustanovama u BiH, čija se predsjednica i poznata bosanskohercegovačka zviždačica Irina Lovrić uključila u rad Antikorupcijske lige, Udruga Kulin Ban oštećenih radnika malih dioničara u Hrvatskoj. U rad Antikorupcijske lige uključili su se i poznati dugogodišnji borci protiv korupcije: ugledni novinar i autor kultne “Latinice” Denis Latin, istraživački novinar Domagoj Margetić, te ugledni pravni ekspert Sulejman Tabaković. Podršku Antikorupcijskoj ligi Balkana dao je i poznati rock glazbenik i civilni aktivist, frontmen “Atomskog skloništa” Bruno Langer.
Radi se o udruženoj inicijativi dugogodišnjih antikorupcijskih aktivista koji od sada udruženim snagama kreću u otvoreni regionalni rat protiv korupcije! Zato je ovo front, a ne tek još jedna inicijativa. Osim toga ovaj front nastaje i kao odgovor na korupciju u tzv. nevladinom sektoru, NGO ili NVO korupciju, NGO sektora koji svojom "borbom protiv korupcije" koju debelo naplaćuju često i od poreznih obveznika, zapravo prikrivaju sistemsku korupciju i onemogućavaju sustavnu borbu protiv korupcije u našim zemljama. Balkanska antikorupcijska liga slijedi ideju antikorupcijske borbe Verice Barać i sličnih antikorupcijskih aktivista, brojnih zviždača i boraca protiv korupcije na Balkanu.

Pokretanje aktivističke inicijative balkanske Antikorupcijske lige uslijedilo je jednim dijelom upravo i zbog korumpiranosti tzv. “nevladinog sektora”, odnosno NGO korupcije, te aktivnog sudjelovanja tzv. “antikorupcijskih nevladinih udruženja” u prikrivanju sistemske korupcije, te skretanju pažnje javnosti sa velikih i ozbiljnih korupcijskih afera, kao i sistemske korupcije u strukturama vlasti, ali i sistemske korupcije na lokalnoj razini. Mnoge “nevladine udruge” za novac kojeg primaju iz državnih ili lokalnih proračuna, ili pak iz nekih paradržavnih sredstava, ili otvoreno od političkih partija, ili državnih i javnih poduzeća koja kontroliraju političke partije na vlasti, jednostavno su postale dio sistemske korupcijske mreže tranzicijske političke i tajkunke elite u svim državama na Balkanu. Drugim riječima, za mnoge čelnike tih ngo-a “borba protiv korupcije” samo je dobar biznis, te s jedne strane izvor financijskih prihoda, a s druge strane se tobožnjom borbom protiv korupcije zapravo koriste kako bi postali dio sistema i kako bi se pozicionirali na nekakvim pozicijama moći, čime opet na ovaj ili onaj način participiraju u korumpiranom tranzicijskom sistemu na Balkanu.

Borba protiv korupcije za nas je ultimativno pitanje u izgradnji stvarnog demokratskog, građanskog, civilnog, sekularnog i modernog društva u državama na Balkanu, nastalim nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije. Želimo prije svega postaviti i inzistirati na istini o tranziciji na Balkanu, istini o dogovorenim ratovma na Balkanu 1990.-ih godina, istini o pljački koju su u novonastalim državama na balkanu proveli pripadnici političke, tajkunske i banksterske elite, teškoj više desetaka milijarda eura, točnije tri i pol godišnja proračuna svake države nastale raspadom bivše SFRJ. Tu smo da izazovemo kompletnu balkansku tranzicijsku oligarhiju na dvoboj, na konačni obračun i polaganje računa pred građanima naših zemalja. Njihova se moć temelji na krvi, ratnim zločinima, pljački javnih dobara, ratnoprofiterskim privatizacijama, na organiziranom i sustavnom uništavanju ekonomija u balkanskim državama i pljački i uništavanju strateških resursa na kojima se temelji razvoj i napredak svakog društva i ekonomije. Organizirali smo se da tim korumpiranim balkanskim oligarsima krvavih ruku i prljave savijesti poručimo: Došlo je vrijeme za obračun s vama! Beskompromisna borba protiv takvog oligarhijskog tranzicijskog sistema nema alternativu! Pod krinkom demokracije, izgradili ste moćnu oligarhijsku arhitekturu i hijerarhiju moći, koju održavate novcem kojeg ste opljačkali od nas građana, i sadašnjim političkim sistemom parlamentarne demokracije, kojim zloupotrebljavate legitimitet naših glasova za ciljeve održanja pozicija moći tranzicijske oligarhije. Takav sistem, temeljen na dogovorenim ratovima devedesetih godina, kojima ste prikrivali svoju pljačku, na pljački javnih dobara i strateških resursa, na masovnim ratnim zločinima i ratnoprofiterskoj pljački masovnih razmjera, temeljenoj na međunarodnom švercu i mafijaškom strukturiranju državnih institucija kao mafijaških ili polumafijaških kriminalnih organizacija, nema niti može imati demokratski narodni legitimitet.

Naša poruka korumpiranoj balkanskoj tranzicijskoj oligarhiji je jasna: Vaše vrijeme je isteklo! Vrijeme je za direktnu demokraciju! Vrijeme je za novo društveno političko uređenje u kojem će svaki glas, svaki građanin, i njegovo pravo odlučivanja biti temelj zakonodavnog legitimiteta, temelj odlučivanja o svim bitnim pitanjima zajednice i društva. Građanin koji postaje subjekt odlučivanja, a ne objekt vaših nametnutih odluka koje donosite u ime i za račun kojekakvih zakulisnih interesa, za koje vas je netko korumpirao. Za nas je borba protiv korupcije i kriminala jako bitan faktor u procesu ozdravljenja društva. Balkanska oligarhija je svoje carstvo izgradila pljačkanjem društvene (državne) imovine, i sada akumuliranim kapitalom, stečenim organiziranom pljačkom balkanskih država, ratnim profiterstvom i organiziranim kriminalom temeljenom na međunarodnim krijumčarenjem oružja, nafte, droge, cigareta, ljudi; želi za sitniš pograbiti preostala javna dobra.

Upravo zbog toga ozbiljna borba protiv korupcije je glavni preduvjet rješavanja brojnih otvorenih pitanja i problema tranzicijskih društava na Balkanu, kao što su pitanja socijalne sigurnosti građana, besplatnog školstva, kvalitetnog i pristupačnog zdravstvenog osiguranja, jednakopravnosti pred zakonom, jednakih mogućnosti u društvu, ravnopravnog ostvarivanja prava na rad, prava na radno mjesto i osobni dohodak koji građanima može osigurati kvalitetan i dostojanstven život. Osim tih osnovnih pitanja, obračun s korupcijom preduvjet je i bilo kakvog razvoja i napretka uopće. Međutim, sistem koji je generator korupcije u istom trenutku ne može biti i pokretač obračuna s korupcijom.

Zbog toga smo pokrenuli našu direktnu akciju borbe protiv korupcije i udružili se u regionalnu Antikorupcijsku ligu Balkana. Dosta je! Vrijeme je za organizirani otpor balkanskoj oligarhiji. Vrijeme je da uzvratimo udarce koje primamo već desetljećima od pripadnika njihovog oligarhijskog sistema moći. Vrijeme je za udar na političku mafiju! Zato je nastao naš zajednički antikorupcijski front.

Zato pozivamo sve građane Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske i Srbije, te drugih balkanskih država, posebno Slovenije i Makedonije, da nam se pridruže u Anitkorupcijskoj ligi Balkana, te da nam se pridruže u Balkanskom maršu protiv korupcije, koji će se za sada održati istovremeno na tri lokacije: 2.11.2013., u 17.00 sati, i to u Zagrebu, na Trgu Josipa bana Jelačića, kod sata; u Beogradu na Trgu Kneza Mihaila (ex Pozorišni trg), kod Konjanika; te u Podgorici na Trgu Svetog Petra Cetinjskog. Ovom antkorupcijskom akcijom, koja je samo početak otvaranja zajedničkog balkanskog antikorupcijskog fronta ujedno smo dio međunarodne inicijative »Marša protiv korupcije«, kojeg aktivisti u svijetu organiziraju tog istog dana. Antikorupcijska liga biti će glas građana, glas zviždača, glas žrtava korupcije. Zato pozivamo građane da se i prijavljivanjem slučajeva korupcije uključe u rad Antikorupcijske lige Balkana. Budite slobodni diskretno i anonimno nam prijaviti korupciju i pojedine slučajeve na mail, ili se jednostavno javite porukom na našoj stranici, ili pak porukom na našem twitter profilu @Antikorupcijska, a uključiti se možete I dolaskom na Balkanski marš protiv korupcije, o čemu možete saznati više na stranici Očekuje se uključivanje i drugih inicijativa i aktivističkih skupina iz regije u aktivnosti Antikorupcijske lige Balkan.



The Balkan Anti-corruption league was formed as a wide anti-corruption movement of activists from various activist movements in the region, mainly the Occupy Croatia movement and the 99% of Serbia movement as well as activists from the Alliance for the defense of public well-being in Serbia, the hacking team Anonymous Serbia and the movement Fight and Resist the Dictatorship regime – civil disobedience from Montenegro, with the support from many anti-corruption associations and initiatives such as the Independent union of customs officials of Croatia, The association for the fight against corruption, crime and discrimination in public institutions in BiH, whose president and well-known Bosnian whistleblower Irina Lovrić has engaged herself in the work of the Anti-corruption league and The association Kulin Ban of unlawfully dispossessed shareholders in Croatia. Many well-known and long-term anti-corruption activists have also involved themselves in the works of the Anti-Corruption league: the eminent journalist and author of the cult TV show ‘‘Latinica’’ Denis Latin, the investigative journalist Domagoj Margretić and the established law expert Sulejman Tabaković. The well-known rock musician and civil activist, frontman of the band ‘‘Atomsko sklonište’’ Bruno Langer has also given support to the Anti-corruption league.

Work is about the combined initiatives of many long-term anti-corruption activists, whose now combined strengths go into an open regional war against corruption! For that reason, this is a front, not just another initiative. Other than that, this front is formed as an answer to corruption in the so called non-government sector, with whose ‘‘fight against corruption’’ that is heavily charged, often from taxpayers, is actually covering up systemic corruption and preventing a systematic battle against corruption in our countries. The Balkan Anti-corruption league follows the idea of anti-corruption struggle of Verica Brarać and other similar anti-corruption activists, many whistleblowers and other fighters against corruption in the Balkans.

The activist movement of the Balkan Anti-corruption league was spurred in part because of the corrupt state of the so called non-government sector, the related corruption and active cooperation of ‘‘non-government anti-corruption associations’’ in covering up systemic corruption and drawing public attention off of big and important corruption affairs as well as because of the systemic corruption in government structures and systemic corruption on a local level. Many ‘‘non-government associations’’ which received money from the state or local budget, some quasi-government funding or openly from political parties, various state and public companies controlled by the parties in power, simply became part of the systemic corruption network of the transitional political and tycoon elite in every country in the Balkans. In other words, for many chiefs of these NGOs, the ‘‘battle against corruption’’ is just good business and on one hand, a source of income, while on the other, they use their seeming battle against corruption for a mean to become a part the system and a way of positioning themselves on some powerful positions, thus in one way or another participating in the corrupt transition system in the Balkans.

The battle against corruption is for us the ultimate question in building a true democratic, civil secular and modern society in the countries in the Balkans, formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia. We wish first of all to insist on the truth about the transition in the Balkans, the truth about the agreed wars in the Balkans in the 1990s and the truth about the stealing in the newly founded countries in the Balkans carried out by the members of the political, tycoon and banking elite, worth tens of billions of Euros, more accurately three and a half times the state budget of every country formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia. We are here to challenge the entire Balkan transitional oligarchy to a duel, the final clash and laying of the bill in front of our countries’ citizens. Their power is based on blood, war crimes, stealing of the public goods, war-profiting privatizations, organized and systematic destruction of the economies in the Balkan countries and stealing and destroying strategically important resources on which the progress of every society and economy is founded. We’ve organized ourselves to make a statement towards the corrupt Balkan oligarchs: The time has come to settle the score with you! This no-compromise battle against this kind of oligarchic transitional system has no alternative! Under the name of democracy, you built a powerful oligarchic architecture and hierarchy of power, which you keep with the money you stole from us citizens, and with the current political system of parliamentary democracy, with which you abuse the legitimacy of our votes for the goals of keeping the positions of power of the transitional oligarchy. This system, based on the agreed wars of the 90s with which you covered up your stealing, the stealing of communal goods and strategic resources, on massive war crimes and war-profiting stealing on a massive scale, based on international smuggling and mafia structuring of government institutions as mafia or semi-mafia criminal organizations, does not have nor ever will have a democratic national legitimacy.

Our message to the corrupt Balkan transitional oligarchy is clear: Your time is up! Time has come for direct democracy! Time has come for a new social and political order in which every vote, every citizen and his right to choose will be the foundation of the law legitimacy, the foundation on deciding about all important matters of the community and society. A citizen becomes a subject of deciding and not an object of your forced upon decisions which you bring in the name and for some background interests, whom you were corrupted by. For us, the battle against corruption and crime is a very important factor in the process of healing the society. The Balkan oligarchy built its empire by stealing the communal (state) property, and with the accumulated capital, acquired via the organized stealing of the Balkan countries, war-profiting, and organized crime based on the international smuggling of weapons, oil, drugs, cigarettes and people, wants to grab the rest of the communal goods for pennies.

Just because of that a serious fight against corruption is the main prerequisite to solving many open questions and problems of the transitional societies in the Balkans, such as questions of social security of the citizens, free education, quality and accessible health insurance, equality in front of the law, equal possibilities in society, equal rights to work, rights at work and a personal income which provides the citizens with a quality and dignified life. Other than these basic questions, the battle against corruption is a prerequisite to any type of progress and development at all. However, the system which generates corruption cannot be the initiator of the battle against corruption at the same time.

It is because of this, that we started our direct action of battling against corruption and have joined into a regional Balkan Anti-corruption league. Enough! Time has come for an organized resistance against the Balkan oligarchy. Time has come to return the blows which we’ve been receiving for decades from the members of their oligarchic system of power. Time has come to hit on the political mafia! That’s why our unified anti-corruption front was created.

That’s why we call on to all the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia and other Balkan countries, especially Slovenia and Macedonia, to join us in the Balkan Anti-corruption league, and to join us in the Balkan march against corruption, which will for now be held simultaneously at three locations: 2.11.2013, at 17:00 in Zagreb, at Josip Ban Jelačić square, by the clock, in Belgrade, at Knez Mihail square (ex Pozorišni sq.), by the horseman, and in Podgorica at Sveti Petar Cetinjski square. With this anti-corruption action, which is just the beginning of the opening a unified Balkan anti-corruption front, we are also a part of an international initiative ‘‘March against corruption’’ which is organized by activists around the world that same day. The Anti-corruption league will be the voice of the citizens, the voice of the whistleblowers and the voice of the victims of corruption. That’s why we call on to citizens to report cases of corruption thus engaging themselves in the work of the Anti-corruption league. Feel free to discretely and anonymously report corruption and individual cases on our mail:, or just simply leave us a message on our page or via message on our twitter profile @Antikorupcijska. You can also engage yourself by going to the Balkan march against corruption, of which you can find out more on the page: We expect other initiatives and activist groups from the region to join the activities of the Balkan Anti-corruption league.